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April 8, 2021


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ManahilGilbert·BlowOut420·1426d16 reviews
Perfect bubba feel and taste that everyone knows with a thick smoke, the trim is perfect, with a creamy and earthy, made me fell euphoric and happy, not too strong but effect is long lasting
ManahilGilbert·ChronicPost·1439d16 reviews
Smell: very pungent and sweet smell that fills the entire room when the bag was opened.

Taste: Perfect for lovers of sweet flavors also had a woody aftertaste which i dont really like

Effects: Very uplifting and energizing effects, Perfect for a pre work smoke or a wake and bak...
ManahilGilbert·TheGreenAce·1449d16 reviews
Smell: Strong sweet and fruity nose

Taste: It had a sweet and fruity flavor with a distinct citrus like feel

Effects: Good mood and energy booster got me feeling happy and contented, nothing that will strap you to your couch, medium high.
ManahilGilbert·BoxedBuds·1469d16 reviews
Smell 9/10 berry like scent when I opened the bag

Taste 8.5/10 Tasted exactly has it smelled, strong berry like flavor

value 8.5 /10

Smells great and smokes great
ManahilGilbert·BoxedBuds·1471d16 reviews
Very strong dank gassy smell, it got me stoned, looks and smells great. 9/10
ManahilGilbert·BoxedBuds·1474d16 reviews
Majority was medium size, light green color with lots of orange hairs. Pretty to look at for sure. Chalked full of crystals
Nose/Taste/Smell - Strong nose. Pungent but earthy.
Potency - Can feel this one in your whole body. Nice and relaxing. Wouldn’t want to smoke it all day but it’s ...
ManahilGilbert·BEEVOKE·1476d16 reviews
Smell - 9/10 once unleashing this stuff from the vac sealed bag inside the mylar that the orange terpenes being contained just shot up in the air. The nose being heavy in the citrus department, with skunky herbal, and earthiness notes

Smoke 8.5/10 - it's a smooth smoking slow burni...
ManahilGilbert·KushStation·1479d16 reviews
Bag Appeal: This is really nice on bag appeal, the funky, spicy, piney aroma definitely punches you square in the face as soon as the bag is opened. The buds are very dense, and man are they sparkly. The crystals are not hiding on this bud. Lots of red hairs to go along with it.

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