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March 10, 2024


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Single-Competition29·JJMeds·781d50 reviews
Beautiful bag appeal ,every size of nugs but mostly mid to large.nice trimed,sticky, trichomes, Nice orange hair

Smell: more on the orange side but with à background of something strong,dank.i loved what it smell

Taste: into à spliff it burn real good and slow.white ash when...
Sourced: highgradeaid Imo AAA good tag 100oz

Bag appeal is ok on this one typical bubba look,trichomes are there not full(picture do not represent well).very sticky weed,resin

Smell and taste: gaz and gaz,earthy (into à spliff)

burn real slow ash is clan,real indica...
Single-Competition29·JJMeds·792d50 reviews
It was 99$ an once for Christmas Imo It a beautiful AAA+

Look: Nice trim,not full of it but there are trichomes. Good cured,sticky,some purple

Smell: kinda kushy,gassy,i guess it the tuna smell.for sure it pungent. Dank,loud

Taste: good translation from the nose to ...
Single-Competition29·TogoWeed·1048d50 reviews
Rated AAA 75$ 4/20 a zip

Looking: hard nugz,green forest,good trim and cured,med size of buds

Smell:earthy, gas,purgent typical Pink flavour

Taste: gas and gas same taste of the smell

High: potent,good in the evening, celebral high,sedative

Single-Competition29·JJMeds·1054d50 reviews
It was half price for the 420

Looking: all size buds,sticky,Light green,orange hair, not alot of trichome but in général its ok

Smell: orange and orange again and for me it what i was expected,cookie and earthy

Taste: alot of orange taste good transmission from th...
Single-Competition29·JJMeds·1060d50 reviews
First imo its real quad AAAA for à cheap price

Loocking : picture do not show at his Best but Nice buds sticky,Nice trim and cured with some trichome on it

Smell :pine,kushy,sweet and Kind of hint of mint

Taste: exact same transmission of terps from the n'ose to...
Single-Competition29·JJMeds·1079d50 reviews
Loocking: small to med nugs,have a look of à death bubba with purple shades

Smell: dank,musky,earthy,purgent,gassy

Taste: same translation from the smell to the taste,

Burn good into a spliff,sticky weed,salt n Pepper ash

Buzz: Nice gassy indica buzz,dee...
Single-Competition29·Hierba·1102d50 reviews
First i order on wed 2 receive it the third faster ever delivery im from mtl Looking is amazing picture do not really show,real AAAA,full of trichome perfect cured Smell: sweet,cheese,kushy,gassy Taste: earthy,kushy,sweet cheese like kush mint but tko is à cross of gelato,triangle kush and og ku...
Loocking: Nice buds full of trichomes and shades of purple,imo AAAA

Smell:earthy,cheese like ?,purgent love that

Taste:Burned good into a spliff and the exact transmission of smell to the taste, White ash

Buzz: that lady is heavy buzz imo good in the Eveline
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