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March 31, 2020


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StonerSteve64·JJMeds·2223d474 reviews
Will be smoking this one later but it danks like musky berries and gas. Really excited to try this one will update with review tonite :)
StonerSteve64·CannaWholeSalers·2224d474 reviews
Sweet citrus gas this one is very tasty and packs a punch. Sedating body buzz that glues you down... Very lazzy and heavy high I really like this for night time use.

The burn was grey ash and slightly harsh but still tastes good. The looks are scrappy but absolute beautiful buds loaded in ...
StonerSteve64·TheGreenAce·2224d474 reviews
The Gas Demon strains seem to be a step ahead of others I’ve had from TGA. Most people would say this is a quad but from your point of view it may be AAA+.

For the oz price it’s a great deal if you’re not a bulk buyer plus their 15% off coupon code helps a lot!

StonerSteve64·TheGreenAce·2224d474 reviews
This Purple Death is another solid bud by Gas Demon. The purple smell/taste is dominant over the bubba genetics but there is a slight gassy after taste. Earthy/musky and sweet with undertones of gas both in flavour and smell. The burn is clean white/light grey ash and very smooth. Heavy body buzz th...
StonerSteve64·CannaWholeSalers·2224d474 reviews
Only tried the Rockstar Tuna so far and tastes great. Pretty similar to the black label in flavour and buzz but not as nice in texture or looks it’s pull and snap at room temps.
StonerSteve64·The.BH.Othority·2228d474 reviews
One of the nicest smelling buds I’ve had. Such a pungent sweet/bitter grapefruit smell. The taste isin’t as strong as the smell but it’s similar. Ton of trichomes inside and out with a medium density and breaks up fluffy. Pure clean white burn it’s cured/dried perfectly. I’m loving this gr...
StonerSteve64·TheGreenAce·2228d474 reviews
This bud has an earthy/minty smell and taste with hints of lemon. The nug is medium density and spongey with a decent amount of cryatals. Really nice bag appeal.

It burns grey ash and is slightly harsh but the high is a potent body buzz with an initial blast of euphoria/energy; kind of a cr...
StonerSteve64·TheGreenAce·2230d474 reviews
This one has a strong lemon/citrus smell and taste with hints of pine and fuel. Uplifting and energetic with a cloudy head high. The burn is white/grey ash and decent oil ring on a joint. The nugs were slightly dry but not too bad. Perfect for vaping but burns good too. AAA-
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2232d474 reviews
Solid value for the price it’s a lot more stable than I thought it would be. It has that classic death bubba smell and flavour that many love; decent body buzz it get’s the job done and some. Never would have thought shatter under 10 bucks/g could be this good!
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