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April 1, 2022


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brownsyndrome·Sacred Gardens·1939d52 reviews
brownsyndrome·KootenayCraft·1944d52 reviews
Yeah exactly, a simply clean crisp sativa high with 0 burnout.
brownsyndrome·KootenayCraft·1945d52 reviews
I have had their cactus breath but it was a while back and this did not remind me of it. This one has baked goods terps with a little something else that isn’t really that distinct. High was mellow with some sativa effects. I would consider this more of a hybrid. Can’t get over the smell, quite ...
brownsyndrome·KootenayCraft·1947d52 reviews
I’ll smoke a J later in the evening and give a review! :)
brownsyndrome·OkanaganGreen·1968d52 reviews
Did not burn the best but it had nice unexpected taste to it, just finished the j so I need to get to know her better to judge potency (was feeling real good halfway down the j tho).

More pics:
brownsyndrome·CannasseurNorth·1985d52 reviews
Sorry I took so long to reply, but it’s honestly not burning white and I thought I’d wait after its sits in a jar for a bit but it’s burning quite black, and been a harsh smoke. However, the smell, taste, and potency definitely pull through.
brownsyndrome·HillSidePharms·2011d52 reviews
Unfortunately the aroma on this one did not follow through to the taste, was quite mute but was clean as can be, super smooth. Potency is commendable for a sativa.
brownsyndrome·HillSidePharms·2011d52 reviews
Buds were cured quite well and looked better than I thought it might turn out to be honest. Not as good as iv seen previously from previous batches on here but better than Iv seen recently from the same batch.

Small, medium, and large buds in my 14g but all trimmed well, burnt white ash wi...
brownsyndrome·CoastalWildfire·2042d52 reviews
Potent as fuck and I’m a daily user. Exactly what I needed to help me sleep during he day since I do graveyard shifts.

Amazing nose, bag appeal, and high, yet to test the ash since I only took bong hits so far.
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