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November 26, 2022
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Beautiful lime green buds with accents of purple all over. Classic foxtailing going on as well. Smell isnt too strong but can definitely pick up the sweet berries. Taste isnt too bad but noticeable berries and gas. Decent body high on this one, might need a few more days with moisture pack! Website ...

Personally this is a 10/10 bud for me. The smell is like a gassy cream but is much more apparent once broken into. The taste is absolutely to die for. Quite possibly the tastiest bong rip ive ever had. Potent wise, this hits all marks for me as well. Just melted into the couch with a huge smile

10/10 this was my first time trying Black Mamba and i was expecting a fruity nose but its straight up smells like some dank coffee. I love the smell and the taste is even better. Forgot to note that this is also organic. Quite potent as well.

Ive been sick all week so i cant give a full review on taste and nose but i know for a fact this is some of the nicest smoke ive had the pleasure to puff on. With a cold im barely even coughing and it is very smooth. My gf says she smells citrus, oranges and berries.