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July 20, 2019
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Video Review
\[Ganja West\] Purple Punch Hybrid Indica Review | 3.8/5 | [Microscopic Photos](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/231/purple-punch-hybrid-indica-weve-had-the-purple-punch-before-from-anoth...er-mom-so-we-kind-of-knew-what)
We’ve had the purple punch before from another MoM so we kind of knew what to expect. This hybrid indica (80/20) had a similar bud structure as the last time we saw it: longer, slender buds with a healthy stem.
Out of the jar it smelled 50/50 fruity and cookie/baked goods taste. This was especially pleasing it it caused it to smell very sweet, almost tropical, so mixing it with the cookies was really nice. The buds were had a good mix of purple leaves, red hairs, and green buds with white from all the crystals (I’d say even 1/3rd each).. Well trimmed with no fan leaves or extra branches the bud itself was not dense so the colors were maintained down to the slightly-green stem.
Having it ground up provided a nice coloring of green, purple, and lots of shine. It was pretty sticky but nothing too crazy. The smell really came out with a strong berry, sweet, fruity flavor which I like to see.
In the vaporizer was ok.. berry, tropical, sweet, fruity, but sadly a bit mild. Perhaps due to the lower rating is understandable ... and not sure if due to genetics or if the bud was a bit fresher. Tho short lived, the berry taste quickly transformed to the baked-goods taste we usually get once its near spent. So overall a nice set of flavors similar to what it smelled like.
Smoking from the pipe left a blacker, light grey ash. The good parts about it was that it was a strong effect, kicked in right away, and was about 50/50 hybrid sativa. Was a bit anxiety and not social so probably good for chores or activities to keep your mind busy rather than going out and socializing. As well it was a bit harsh so we didnt get nice big clouds of smoke like we want to see.
Overall an OK experience ... good taste in the vape, nice bag appeal, strong effects, but not super smooth with darker ash. Either way it’s interesting to see the differences in the same strain name between different sources to compare.
\[Ganja West\] Purple Punch Hybrid Indica Review | 3.8/5 | [Microscopic Photos](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/231/purple-punch-hybrid-indica-weve-had-the-purple-punch-before-from-anoth...er-mom-so-we-kind-of-knew-what)
We’ve had the purple punch before from another MoM so we kind of knew what to expect. This hybrid indica (80/20) had a similar bud structure as the last time we saw it: longer, slender buds with a healthy stem.
Out of the jar it smelled 50/50 fruity and cookie/baked goods taste. This was especially pleasing it it caused it to smell very sweet, almost tropical, so mixing it with the cookies was really nice. The buds were had a good mix of purple leaves, red hairs, and green buds with white from all the crystals (I’d say even 1/3rd each).. Well trimmed with no fan leaves or extra branches the bud itself was not dense so the colors were maintained down to the slightly-green stem.
Having it ground up provided a nice coloring of green, purple, and lots of shine. It was pretty sticky but nothing too crazy. The smell really came out with a strong berry, sweet, fruity flavor which I like to see.
In the vaporizer was ok.. berry, tropical, sweet, fruity, but sadly a bit mild. Perhaps due to the lower rating is understandable ... and not sure if due to genetics or if the bud was a bit fresher. Tho short lived, the berry taste quickly transformed to the baked-goods taste we usually get once its near spent. So overall a nice set of flavors similar to what it smelled like.
Smoking from the pipe left a blacker, light grey ash. The good parts about it was that it was a strong effect, kicked in right away, and was about 50/50 hybrid sativa. Was a bit anxiety and not social so probably good for chores or activities to keep your mind busy rather than going out and socializing. As well it was a bit harsh so we didnt get nice big clouds of smoke like we want to see.
Overall an OK experience ... good taste in the vape, nice bag appeal, strong effects, but not super smooth with darker ash. Either way it’s interesting to see the differences in the same strain name between different sources to compare.

Video Unboxing
**\[Kootenay Craft Co\] Skunk #1 Indica Review | 4.5/5 |** [Microscope Photos](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/227/skunk-1-hybrid-indica-this-being-the-last-of-our-skunks-we-compared-w...e-figured-to-leave-the-fanciest)
This being the last of our skunks we compared we figured to leave the fanciest for last. Priced at more than 200$ an ounce this 25% THC bud was a definite treat.
The smell was much different than other Skunks we checked out: this was floral, sweet, incense, ’spring’, uplifting.. much more pretty smelling than the others.
The buds were light-colored, shiny, fluffy yet moist, nice long red hairs, green stems, fresh. Their shape resembled more ’classic’ bud shape (long, thinner) rather than fat dense nugs that we sometimes see. Cracking it open also showed it was nice and dense down to the stem but easy to break up (fluffy) with no bits breaking off when doing so. It was nice to see the crystals being consistent all the way to the core. The red hairs, and quite a few were long and wrapped on the bud showing care was taken when it was grown. VERY well manicured, no fan leaves unless they were covered in crystals.
Grinding it yielded a much more typical ’skunk’ smell : foul-smelling, putrid, strong and with a hint of sweetness. It maintained the darker color which was to expected since we saw the color was maintained all the way to the stem. The bud was sticky both to itself and to my fingers.
In the vape yielded a PRETTY skunky flavor (what I call hot and sour soup) but also yielded a sweeter, perfumey taste. This was a bit unexpected compared to other skunks strains we tried (that just had the stinky pungent smell, no sweet/florals). It’s only worth pointing out if youre on a skunk hunt for pure-tasting skunks but otherwise had a very unique and distinct flavor, probably more unique than many others we’ve seen.
Having smoked it from the pipe we got a light-grey to dark-grey hash. It was a BIT harsh but got nice thick smoke, light on the lungs with a very enjoyable taste (which in itself is rare, usually tastes good only vaping). I think the 24% is pretty close to the strength and may attribute to the slight harshness. The effects were a very indica feel in terms of being lazy but heart still racing but not very social. A good late evening buzz but nothing to smoke when waking up or before bed.
So overall if you’re looking for strong strong skunk, this kindaaaaa hits the spot. But if you’re looking for good bud overall (good bag appeal, good taste, good buzz) then it’s a safe bet. Tho not the skunkiest a pleasure to smoke (and show off to friends).
**\[Kootenay Craft Co\] Skunk #1 Indica Review | 4.5/5 |** [Microscope Photos](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/227/skunk-1-hybrid-indica-this-being-the-last-of-our-skunks-we-compared-w...e-figured-to-leave-the-fanciest)
This being the last of our skunks we compared we figured to leave the fanciest for last. Priced at more than 200$ an ounce this 25% THC bud was a definite treat.
The smell was much different than other Skunks we checked out: this was floral, sweet, incense, ’spring’, uplifting.. much more pretty smelling than the others.
The buds were light-colored, shiny, fluffy yet moist, nice long red hairs, green stems, fresh. Their shape resembled more ’classic’ bud shape (long, thinner) rather than fat dense nugs that we sometimes see. Cracking it open also showed it was nice and dense down to the stem but easy to break up (fluffy) with no bits breaking off when doing so. It was nice to see the crystals being consistent all the way to the core. The red hairs, and quite a few were long and wrapped on the bud showing care was taken when it was grown. VERY well manicured, no fan leaves unless they were covered in crystals.
Grinding it yielded a much more typical ’skunk’ smell : foul-smelling, putrid, strong and with a hint of sweetness. It maintained the darker color which was to expected since we saw the color was maintained all the way to the stem. The bud was sticky both to itself and to my fingers.
In the vape yielded a PRETTY skunky flavor (what I call hot and sour soup) but also yielded a sweeter, perfumey taste. This was a bit unexpected compared to other skunks strains we tried (that just had the stinky pungent smell, no sweet/florals). It’s only worth pointing out if youre on a skunk hunt for pure-tasting skunks but otherwise had a very unique and distinct flavor, probably more unique than many others we’ve seen.
Having smoked it from the pipe we got a light-grey to dark-grey hash. It was a BIT harsh but got nice thick smoke, light on the lungs with a very enjoyable taste (which in itself is rare, usually tastes good only vaping). I think the 24% is pretty close to the strength and may attribute to the slight harshness. The effects were a very indica feel in terms of being lazy but heart still racing but not very social. A good late evening buzz but nothing to smoke when waking up or before bed.
So overall if you’re looking for strong strong skunk, this kindaaaaa hits the spot. But if you’re looking for good bud overall (good bag appeal, good taste, good buzz) then it’s a safe bet. Tho not the skunkiest a pleasure to smoke (and show off to friends).

Video Review
\[Costal Wild Fire\] Apple Pie Sativa Review | 4.7/5 | [Microscope Photos](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/224/apple-pie-sativa-i-set-my-expectations-pretty...-high-for-this-as-cwf-coastal-wild-fire-is-considered-o)
I set my expectations pretty high for this as CWF (coastal wild fire) is considered one of the more top-shelf boutique vendors that are the type to sell most of their stuff in jars / containers and have heard nothing but good things from them.
To start off the smell really differentiates it from the lower grade stuff: fruity, rotten apple, coupled with an alcoholic-cider apple smell. Not super sweet smelling but a very wine/brandy smell with a hint of apples .. that alcoholic smell similar to the other high-end strains we’ve looked at.
The buds are impeccably trimmed with no fan leaves. More importantly the red hairs are nice and long even close to the still-green stem. The buds were quite shiny with an overall light color which further looked lighter simply because they were so crusty. These nugs in general were very large with about a 40/60 red hairs to buds but any bud that was visible has a nice shiny allure to it.
Grinding it up maintains that light green color (even more so) with some red hairs lying around (but no purples or any darker hints of color). The buds still maintained that shine from the crystals with an overall white dust all over it, signifying how strong it is. The bud was sticky (both to itself and my gloves) but grinding it did something more important ... we got more of the smell we wanted. NOT tropical but apple, rotten, oaky, with more of that sweet smell coming through. Different than the other fruity smells that we got from other strains this one maintained that kind of alcoholic scent.
In the vape it was an ok experience .. at low temps flowery perfume taste but at higher temperature (195) we got a bitter, oaky, dark, musky (WHISKEY) flavor which matched what we got when we ground it up. Not as sweet as I expected like apple pie but rather the CRUST of the apple pie (a bit of apple taste but more baked goods/bitter/cookie flavor). Would have been crazy to have it taste sweet AND apple but this would have been my 2nd choice. Even after it sat in the vape for a bit more we got a bit of cinnamon, doughy, apple flavor, mild, but there.
Smoking it from the pipe left a light grey to white ash. The smoking itself was very smooth, very enjoyable, with almost no harshness. Thick smoke easy on the lungs and throat.
The effects kicked in right away (very sativa-ish) with heart-racing, anxious, mind racing, etc so I found it best to keep occupied (perhaps social, cleaning, working) but sitting there doing nothing was just stressful. It’s pretty much a very strong Sativa flavor with all the characteristics you would look for if you wanted that sativa flavor.
Overall something I would recommend (Although at 150$ / 14g it is not in everyone’s price point) but this is the only time I’ve come across apple pie and is something I would bust out when I have guests over or for special occasions. With the strong effects, decent taste, great looks and great smoking experience I would rate it a solid 4.5/5
\[Costal Wild Fire\] Apple Pie Sativa Review | 4.7/5 | [Microscope Photos](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/224/apple-pie-sativa-i-set-my-expectations-pretty...-high-for-this-as-cwf-coastal-wild-fire-is-considered-o)
I set my expectations pretty high for this as CWF (coastal wild fire) is considered one of the more top-shelf boutique vendors that are the type to sell most of their stuff in jars / containers and have heard nothing but good things from them.
To start off the smell really differentiates it from the lower grade stuff: fruity, rotten apple, coupled with an alcoholic-cider apple smell. Not super sweet smelling but a very wine/brandy smell with a hint of apples .. that alcoholic smell similar to the other high-end strains we’ve looked at.
The buds are impeccably trimmed with no fan leaves. More importantly the red hairs are nice and long even close to the still-green stem. The buds were quite shiny with an overall light color which further looked lighter simply because they were so crusty. These nugs in general were very large with about a 40/60 red hairs to buds but any bud that was visible has a nice shiny allure to it.
Grinding it up maintains that light green color (even more so) with some red hairs lying around (but no purples or any darker hints of color). The buds still maintained that shine from the crystals with an overall white dust all over it, signifying how strong it is. The bud was sticky (both to itself and my gloves) but grinding it did something more important ... we got more of the smell we wanted. NOT tropical but apple, rotten, oaky, with more of that sweet smell coming through. Different than the other fruity smells that we got from other strains this one maintained that kind of alcoholic scent.
In the vape it was an ok experience .. at low temps flowery perfume taste but at higher temperature (195) we got a bitter, oaky, dark, musky (WHISKEY) flavor which matched what we got when we ground it up. Not as sweet as I expected like apple pie but rather the CRUST of the apple pie (a bit of apple taste but more baked goods/bitter/cookie flavor). Would have been crazy to have it taste sweet AND apple but this would have been my 2nd choice. Even after it sat in the vape for a bit more we got a bit of cinnamon, doughy, apple flavor, mild, but there.
Smoking it from the pipe left a light grey to white ash. The smoking itself was very smooth, very enjoyable, with almost no harshness. Thick smoke easy on the lungs and throat.
The effects kicked in right away (very sativa-ish) with heart-racing, anxious, mind racing, etc so I found it best to keep occupied (perhaps social, cleaning, working) but sitting there doing nothing was just stressful. It’s pretty much a very strong Sativa flavor with all the characteristics you would look for if you wanted that sativa flavor.
Overall something I would recommend (Although at 150$ / 14g it is not in everyone’s price point) but this is the only time I’ve come across apple pie and is something I would bust out when I have guests over or for special occasions. With the strong effects, decent taste, great looks and great smoking experience I would rate it a solid 4.5/5

Video Review
\[KingTuts\] Silver Haze Sativa Review | 3.9/5 | [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/219/silver-haze-sativa-another-99-oz-that-we-wanted-to-ch...eck-for-the-fun-of-it-so-were-obviously-lowerin)
Another 99$ / oz that we wanted to check for the fun of it so we’re obviously lowering our standards quite a bit. Despite this the overall experience was very similar to the diesel we tried from the same people.
At first glance the buds look very fluffy, darkish in color, very well trimmed and quite a bit of crystals and red hairs... about 50/50 red hairs to buds. Due to just how fluffy it was this meant we got the a nice coating of crystals right down to the center as it was very airy. The buds smelled pretty generic pot... something I’d compare to pre-legalization: hay, grass, a bit of pine, nothing special.
Once ground up the buds broke up and filled up almost a full grinder for a small nug, possibly due to the fluffyness. The bud maintained its darker color and was pretty stick to itself, not SUPER sticky but better than some stuff we’ve seen for 2x the price. Finally since we ground it up we got a nice tropical , sweet smell, and strong pine. It was a nice bonus since its similar to what we smelled at higher tier stuff.
Vaping it was a pretty typical baked goods, cookies, not-sweet, not bitter taste. Nothing I would recommend to any hardcore vapers but also nothing terrible. Leaving it cooked at 195 for a while did give us a BIT of a sweet taste, but by far that dominating baked goods taste. Pretty average but still OK in my books.
Burning it left a light grey - white ash, very impressive. Smoking it was a bit harsh but was easy on the lungs and nice thick smoke, a big plus! The effects were very cerebral, energetic, creative, social with no anxiety and stress. It was probably one of the more enjoyable sativa feelings simply due to the lack of anxious feelings. BECAUSE it was a nice thick plume of smoke, creeping effects, and no burn out with an overall enjoyable energetic experience I would recommend it if you like to put a flame to it.
All in all not a great experience, not mind-blowing, but for the low price it’s a good win in my books. Not something you’d want to break out the champagne for but something you can smoke day to day (affordably). Would recommend this over the diesel as well.
\[KingTuts\] Silver Haze Sativa Review | 3.9/5 | [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/219/silver-haze-sativa-another-99-oz-that-we-wanted-to-ch...eck-for-the-fun-of-it-so-were-obviously-lowerin)
Another 99$ / oz that we wanted to check for the fun of it so we’re obviously lowering our standards quite a bit. Despite this the overall experience was very similar to the diesel we tried from the same people.
At first glance the buds look very fluffy, darkish in color, very well trimmed and quite a bit of crystals and red hairs... about 50/50 red hairs to buds. Due to just how fluffy it was this meant we got the a nice coating of crystals right down to the center as it was very airy. The buds smelled pretty generic pot... something I’d compare to pre-legalization: hay, grass, a bit of pine, nothing special.
Once ground up the buds broke up and filled up almost a full grinder for a small nug, possibly due to the fluffyness. The bud maintained its darker color and was pretty stick to itself, not SUPER sticky but better than some stuff we’ve seen for 2x the price. Finally since we ground it up we got a nice tropical , sweet smell, and strong pine. It was a nice bonus since its similar to what we smelled at higher tier stuff.
Vaping it was a pretty typical baked goods, cookies, not-sweet, not bitter taste. Nothing I would recommend to any hardcore vapers but also nothing terrible. Leaving it cooked at 195 for a while did give us a BIT of a sweet taste, but by far that dominating baked goods taste. Pretty average but still OK in my books.
Burning it left a light grey - white ash, very impressive. Smoking it was a bit harsh but was easy on the lungs and nice thick smoke, a big plus! The effects were very cerebral, energetic, creative, social with no anxiety and stress. It was probably one of the more enjoyable sativa feelings simply due to the lack of anxious feelings. BECAUSE it was a nice thick plume of smoke, creeping effects, and no burn out with an overall enjoyable energetic experience I would recommend it if you like to put a flame to it.
All in all not a great experience, not mind-blowing, but for the low price it’s a good win in my books. Not something you’d want to break out the champagne for but something you can smoke day to day (affordably). Would recommend this over the diesel as well.

Video Review
\[SecretStashHouse\] Pink Zombie Indica Review | 3.8/5 | [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/207/pink-zombie-indica-this-was-a-bit-of-an-elusive-strain-to-find-info-on-lots...-of-pink-strains-and-lots)
This was a bit of an elusive strain to find info on... lots of ’pink’ strains and lots of ’zombie’ strains (like Zombie OG) so I didn’t know what to expect. This one of those samples that got lost in the mix but was curious to see what it was all about.
The bud looks nice, medium-darkness green with good amount of redhairs, almost no stem. The center was hollow meaning it was made more of smaller piece of buds, not bad just an observation. It had a very woody, earth, and a BIT pungent smell to it (which, as many other things I found that was very similar to Zombie OG).
It had ground up to a very wood-earth smell, with a slight hint of stinky but not that strong. It broke up to a light color too nonetheless, which also bore a ton of crystals (tho not super sticky).
Vaping it was about average perfume flower at low temps right off the bat, and at higher temps woods, earth, average taste overall. But letting it cook for a while we started to get a much more pungnent/skunk/sweet taste which was a nice surprised!
Burning it in the pipe at first (perhaps due to heat difference) was harsh, but quickly smoothed out and got a nice thick, white smoke, super light on the lungs.
I would imagine the thc on this wasn’t super high but the effects were def. an indica feeling, body buzz couch lock, a bit of cerebral/visuals/ringing in the ears, and some visual changes as well. I would say a good thing to socialize/be creative but overall euphoric, mellow, not overly-strong or trip-out so good after a long day.
\[SecretStashHouse\] Pink Zombie Indica Review | 3.8/5 | [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/207/pink-zombie-indica-this-was-a-bit-of-an-elusive-strain-to-find-info-on-lots...-of-pink-strains-and-lots)
This was a bit of an elusive strain to find info on... lots of ’pink’ strains and lots of ’zombie’ strains (like Zombie OG) so I didn’t know what to expect. This one of those samples that got lost in the mix but was curious to see what it was all about.
The bud looks nice, medium-darkness green with good amount of redhairs, almost no stem. The center was hollow meaning it was made more of smaller piece of buds, not bad just an observation. It had a very woody, earth, and a BIT pungent smell to it (which, as many other things I found that was very similar to Zombie OG).
It had ground up to a very wood-earth smell, with a slight hint of stinky but not that strong. It broke up to a light color too nonetheless, which also bore a ton of crystals (tho not super sticky).
Vaping it was about average perfume flower at low temps right off the bat, and at higher temps woods, earth, average taste overall. But letting it cook for a while we started to get a much more pungnent/skunk/sweet taste which was a nice surprised!
Burning it in the pipe at first (perhaps due to heat difference) was harsh, but quickly smoothed out and got a nice thick, white smoke, super light on the lungs.
I would imagine the thc on this wasn’t super high but the effects were def. an indica feeling, body buzz couch lock, a bit of cerebral/visuals/ringing in the ears, and some visual changes as well. I would say a good thing to socialize/be creative but overall euphoric, mellow, not overly-strong or trip-out so good after a long day.

Video Review
**\[MyGreenSolution\] Alien OG Hybrid Indica Review | 4/5 |** [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/201/alien-og-hybrid-weve-tried-alien-og-crossed-with-other-strains-but-fir...st-time-trying-just-alien-og-p)
We’ve tried Alien OG crossed with other strains but first time trying JUST alien OG. Priced moderately this Hybrid Indica was rated as AAA+ but MoM’s (and OCS for that matter) like to overhype their strains sometimes.
These buds were about 50/50 in terms of red hairs and bud, but a NICE arrangement of colors: purple, light green, dark green, and red hairs. Looks like a rainbow and was shiny from the amount of crystals. It wasn’t super well trimmed as there a bit of fan leaves left but at least they were covered in crystals as well. If you split the bud you would see it was shiny to the stem but also quite a bit more spacious near the core: not super condensed. It also turned more of a light green color overall. The smell was nothing too crazy: a bit pungent, earthy, wood, but not super strong.
Once it was grinded tho you could really smell a sour, lemon scent and def. way more earthy. Interesting but not super unique; OCS has a ton of lemon/pine so does MoMs, but nice nonetheless.
Vaping it yielded roughly the same flavors, maybe some baked goods taste near the beginning alongside a perfume aroma, but eventually made way for more lemon earth, etc. What was nice tho was the effects kicked in pretty fast even after vaping, something we don’t usually see.
Smoking it in the pipe yielded half-half white and light grey ash which was nice. It burned really smooth, really thick smoke, and strong on the lungs but may be due to the THC level if anything (think it’s high but it is unlisted on the site).
The bud was a very slow creeper bud but maintained a head/spatial/visual high throughout with eventually leading to a body buzz. Not super couch locked which is nice so I would say this could be a good social indica ... a rare treat.
I think the rating AAA (or AAA+ whatever) is pretty accurate, would have been nicer a more unique flavor but perhaps its just the nature of the strain? I look forward to trying a batch in a few months time and compare the two strains.
**\[MyGreenSolution\] Alien OG Hybrid Indica Review | 4/5 |** [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/201/alien-og-hybrid-weve-tried-alien-og-crossed-with-other-strains-but-fir...st-time-trying-just-alien-og-p)
We’ve tried Alien OG crossed with other strains but first time trying JUST alien OG. Priced moderately this Hybrid Indica was rated as AAA+ but MoM’s (and OCS for that matter) like to overhype their strains sometimes.
These buds were about 50/50 in terms of red hairs and bud, but a NICE arrangement of colors: purple, light green, dark green, and red hairs. Looks like a rainbow and was shiny from the amount of crystals. It wasn’t super well trimmed as there a bit of fan leaves left but at least they were covered in crystals as well. If you split the bud you would see it was shiny to the stem but also quite a bit more spacious near the core: not super condensed. It also turned more of a light green color overall. The smell was nothing too crazy: a bit pungent, earthy, wood, but not super strong.
Once it was grinded tho you could really smell a sour, lemon scent and def. way more earthy. Interesting but not super unique; OCS has a ton of lemon/pine so does MoMs, but nice nonetheless.
Vaping it yielded roughly the same flavors, maybe some baked goods taste near the beginning alongside a perfume aroma, but eventually made way for more lemon earth, etc. What was nice tho was the effects kicked in pretty fast even after vaping, something we don’t usually see.
Smoking it in the pipe yielded half-half white and light grey ash which was nice. It burned really smooth, really thick smoke, and strong on the lungs but may be due to the THC level if anything (think it’s high but it is unlisted on the site).
The bud was a very slow creeper bud but maintained a head/spatial/visual high throughout with eventually leading to a body buzz. Not super couch locked which is nice so I would say this could be a good social indica ... a rare treat.
I think the rating AAA (or AAA+ whatever) is pretty accurate, would have been nicer a more unique flavor but perhaps its just the nature of the strain? I look forward to trying a batch in a few months time and compare the two strains.

Video Review
\[Ganjawest\] Bluefin Tuna Hybrid Indica Review | 3.9/5 | [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/216/bluefin-tuna-hybrid-indica-weve-seen-a-lot-of-tuna-strains-before-and-kn...ow-what-to-expect-from-them-)
We’ve seen a lot of tuna-strains before and know what to expect from them .. usually more diesely/fishy but the real nice ones are the ones that are crossed with something sweet/unique. This one was rated at up to 14-20% and priced about average.
These buds were very well trimmed, neat, pretty crystally and almost no red hairs. They had a lighter color down to the center and average density.
Typical of the other tuna strains it smelt very dark, diesel, fish and was even stronger once cracked open.
It ground up to a lighter color overall, pretty sticky but you could tell one bud was very dense... filling up almost half a grinder. Only after it was ground up did you REALLY smell the diesel, so much so it was overprowering :D
Vaping it at low temps was a typical soapy/perfumy flavor but cranking it up we started to get really really bitter, diesel, dark and slight hints of fishyness/sweetness in between some tokes. It wasn’t super unique but what you’d expect from a bud of this name. The taste remained throughout the vape session which was nice, it didn’t disappear in 30 sec like we’ve seen other strains.
Burning left a darker ash with some light grey. It was a tad bit on the harsher side of things but had lots of smoke and ok-lightness on the lungs. On the plus side you could really taste that bitter/diesel flavor even when putting a flame to it. My only complaints was that it could have been a bit smoother.
The effects kicked in immediately (slow and low) But eventually after 10 mins or so fully kicked in. It’s MUCH more 50/50 hybrid/indica feeling (rather than hybrid indica) as it doesnt really give you couch lock but instead gets you moving around, creative, determined. At the same time the indica evens it out and kind of makes you brain dead / forgetful. Interesting overall effects and what I believe to be a good synergy between the two and accurate to the mid-high THC range mentioned.
In the end I’d say we have a good looking bud, expected taste/smell, strong but good balance effects, yet a bit harsh. If it was crossed with something else AND smoother it would be a big plus but otherwise it’s what you’d expect from a good diesel-y strain if you haven’t tried yet.
\[Ganjawest\] Bluefin Tuna Hybrid Indica Review | 3.9/5 | [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/216/bluefin-tuna-hybrid-indica-weve-seen-a-lot-of-tuna-strains-before-and-kn...ow-what-to-expect-from-them-)
We’ve seen a lot of tuna-strains before and know what to expect from them .. usually more diesely/fishy but the real nice ones are the ones that are crossed with something sweet/unique. This one was rated at up to 14-20% and priced about average.
These buds were very well trimmed, neat, pretty crystally and almost no red hairs. They had a lighter color down to the center and average density.
Typical of the other tuna strains it smelt very dark, diesel, fish and was even stronger once cracked open.
It ground up to a lighter color overall, pretty sticky but you could tell one bud was very dense... filling up almost half a grinder. Only after it was ground up did you REALLY smell the diesel, so much so it was overprowering :D
Vaping it at low temps was a typical soapy/perfumy flavor but cranking it up we started to get really really bitter, diesel, dark and slight hints of fishyness/sweetness in between some tokes. It wasn’t super unique but what you’d expect from a bud of this name. The taste remained throughout the vape session which was nice, it didn’t disappear in 30 sec like we’ve seen other strains.
Burning left a darker ash with some light grey. It was a tad bit on the harsher side of things but had lots of smoke and ok-lightness on the lungs. On the plus side you could really taste that bitter/diesel flavor even when putting a flame to it. My only complaints was that it could have been a bit smoother.
The effects kicked in immediately (slow and low) But eventually after 10 mins or so fully kicked in. It’s MUCH more 50/50 hybrid/indica feeling (rather than hybrid indica) as it doesnt really give you couch lock but instead gets you moving around, creative, determined. At the same time the indica evens it out and kind of makes you brain dead / forgetful. Interesting overall effects and what I believe to be a good synergy between the two and accurate to the mid-high THC range mentioned.
In the end I’d say we have a good looking bud, expected taste/smell, strong but good balance effects, yet a bit harsh. If it was crossed with something else AND smoother it would be a big plus but otherwise it’s what you’d expect from a good diesel-y strain if you haven’t tried yet.

Hash after
Video Review
\[Cheebas\] Where’s my bike Sativa Hash | 4.?/5
We’ve never really reviewed Hash before so this is based off whatever I read from the people providing it, online research and old early-2000s hash. We purposely seeked out one of the most expensive, SATIVA-ish hash’s we could find. We wanted something that couldn’t really couch lock you as much as I remember. Priced at 14$ a gram and made from Where’s my bike felt like it was a good starting point.
This has was a dark brown color could easily mold it into a snake BUT also crumble it into small pieces without much effort (only difference was how much pressure and how much time I pressed down on it to change shape or make it crumble). Left a dark brown color on our gloves but our gloves remained sticky; not oily at all. It had a very ’hash’ earthy smell but also that distinct flower smell: sweet, perfumy, aroma and perhaps a bit fruity. Cracked open the hash had a much light color and a bit more colorful (different tones of brown).
Letting the piece of hash burn it maintained a constant smoke coming out of it with no real visible red ember. While it did it burned evenly in a straight line until it left a white ash with specks of light grey. The smoke was a light grey but constant amount.
The taste was very very heavy on the lungs, as I remember hash to be, with a nice, sweet-ish, berry-flavored taste and pretty smooth on the throat. It tasted close to smoking flowers but a heavy hash feeling in the lungs.
The effects were very cerebral, focus, loss of balance, probably from the strain it was made from and at the same time relaxed, a bit couch locked but not super melty/zombie with an overall body buzz. Was a good hybrid feeling overall and will pay more attention to our next review with ’blueberry’ which is an indica strain.
Video Review
\[Cheebas\] Where’s my bike Sativa Hash | 4.?/5
We’ve never really reviewed Hash before so this is based off whatever I read from the people providing it, online research and old early-2000s hash. We purposely seeked out one of the most expensive, SATIVA-ish hash’s we could find. We wanted something that couldn’t really couch lock you as much as I remember. Priced at 14$ a gram and made from Where’s my bike felt like it was a good starting point.
This has was a dark brown color could easily mold it into a snake BUT also crumble it into small pieces without much effort (only difference was how much pressure and how much time I pressed down on it to change shape or make it crumble). Left a dark brown color on our gloves but our gloves remained sticky; not oily at all. It had a very ’hash’ earthy smell but also that distinct flower smell: sweet, perfumy, aroma and perhaps a bit fruity. Cracked open the hash had a much light color and a bit more colorful (different tones of brown).
Letting the piece of hash burn it maintained a constant smoke coming out of it with no real visible red ember. While it did it burned evenly in a straight line until it left a white ash with specks of light grey. The smoke was a light grey but constant amount.
The taste was very very heavy on the lungs, as I remember hash to be, with a nice, sweet-ish, berry-flavored taste and pretty smooth on the throat. It tasted close to smoking flowers but a heavy hash feeling in the lungs.
The effects were very cerebral, focus, loss of balance, probably from the strain it was made from and at the same time relaxed, a bit couch locked but not super melty/zombie with an overall body buzz. Was a good hybrid feeling overall and will pay more attention to our next review with ’blueberry’ which is an indica strain.

Video Review
Mimosa Hybrid Review | 4.25/5 | [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/214/mimosa-hybrid-mimosa-has-been-the-talk-of-the-town-for-the-early-part-...of-this-year-so-glad-i-finally)
Mimosa has been the talk of the town for the early part of this year so glad I finally nabbed a sample. Priced high with lots of hype I set the expectations pretty high.
This bud probably has the best bag appeal of any strain in the last few months. Coated white in crystals, light green color, decent ratio of bud/red hairs and very dense. The crystal, dense, light color goes straight to the center and maintains and overall shiny, neat, well trimmed look. The smell is SUPER lemon/acidic and VERY sweet, fruity. Probably some of the strongest smelling, fruity, acidic smells I’ve ever come across. That smell really got strong after grinding it as well leaving an overall light green color (and very dense bud as it quickly filled up the grinder). People with weak wrists beware it was very sticky and hard to grind.
The vape flavor was pretty nice, the same fruit acidic lemon taste at low temps and when it cooked at medium (185-190) for a while it got a nice, fresh-cookies, sweet taste: straight out of the oven. Though some may say its a common taste I actually find it to be pretty unique, pleasant, smooth and relaxing. I’d say alongside the bag appeal, the vape was a great time. That baked goods lasted throughout and never really diminished.
Smoking it in the pipe was .... ok... it left a darker ash, light grey, with a speck of white, but also boasted a bit harsh, heavy on the lungs kinda feel. Now I think this was part to the high THC content as I instantly got cerebral, ears-ringing sensations similar to the blueberry cheesecake I remember from THC. The high is very slow creeper, even tho you feel alert, focused, awake at the start with a mild stoned-ness, it takes a good 5-10 mins to get the indica feel to kick in: relax, couch lock but still active, creative social. Perhaps a good bud to stay at home with and clean / have guests.
Overall, having this be the first time trying any of the hyped mimosa, it was a pretty good bud. I wouldn’t go out and buy huge quantities (cost is high) but I wouldn’t shy away from smoking it again. A great bag appeal, great flavor in the vape, OK blazing and strong, creeper buzz it has a solid 4/5 from me.
Mimosa Hybrid Review | 4.25/5 | [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/214/mimosa-hybrid-mimosa-has-been-the-talk-of-the-town-for-the-early-part-...of-this-year-so-glad-i-finally)
Mimosa has been the talk of the town for the early part of this year so glad I finally nabbed a sample. Priced high with lots of hype I set the expectations pretty high.
This bud probably has the best bag appeal of any strain in the last few months. Coated white in crystals, light green color, decent ratio of bud/red hairs and very dense. The crystal, dense, light color goes straight to the center and maintains and overall shiny, neat, well trimmed look. The smell is SUPER lemon/acidic and VERY sweet, fruity. Probably some of the strongest smelling, fruity, acidic smells I’ve ever come across. That smell really got strong after grinding it as well leaving an overall light green color (and very dense bud as it quickly filled up the grinder). People with weak wrists beware it was very sticky and hard to grind.
The vape flavor was pretty nice, the same fruit acidic lemon taste at low temps and when it cooked at medium (185-190) for a while it got a nice, fresh-cookies, sweet taste: straight out of the oven. Though some may say its a common taste I actually find it to be pretty unique, pleasant, smooth and relaxing. I’d say alongside the bag appeal, the vape was a great time. That baked goods lasted throughout and never really diminished.
Smoking it in the pipe was .... ok... it left a darker ash, light grey, with a speck of white, but also boasted a bit harsh, heavy on the lungs kinda feel. Now I think this was part to the high THC content as I instantly got cerebral, ears-ringing sensations similar to the blueberry cheesecake I remember from THC. The high is very slow creeper, even tho you feel alert, focused, awake at the start with a mild stoned-ness, it takes a good 5-10 mins to get the indica feel to kick in: relax, couch lock but still active, creative social. Perhaps a good bud to stay at home with and clean / have guests.
Overall, having this be the first time trying any of the hyped mimosa, it was a pretty good bud. I wouldn’t go out and buy huge quantities (cost is high) but I wouldn’t shy away from smoking it again. A great bag appeal, great flavor in the vape, OK blazing and strong, creeper buzz it has a solid 4/5 from me.

Video Review
**\[Weed-Deals\] Purple Punch 2.0 Symbiotic Genetics Indica Review | 4.5/5 |** [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/211/purple-punch-20-indica-...i-was-interested-in-this-strain-mostly-because-it-being-from-a-new-brand-symb)
I was interested in this strain mostly because it being from a new brand symbolic genetics which I haven’t tried before. Also I was always a fan of sweet/tropical strains and this one sounded like it might be.
The smell, even as a whole bud, was a very strong acidic/lemony smell. It smelled a bit berry-ish but mostly lemony fresh kind of smell. Pretty unique and pretty strong (almost burned the nostrils) :D
The shape of the bud was a pretty messy/leafy look, which is a nice change from the solid tip-of-the-nug buds we’ve seen lately, and maintained a good ratio of red hairs to light, crusted nugs. Overall despite it being so leafy, it was very dense and had a nice dominant stem (didn’t weigh much but was delicious :D ). Overall not super pretty but def a large amount of crystals.
Grinding it up was about the same, but almost no berry/fruity-ness and all lemon, acidic, really strong smell. It was pretty sticky to itself (not on fingers) but could feel the crystals between our fingers. Despite no THC listed, I would wager it was pretty high %.
Vaping it was the usual flower/perfume at lower temperatures, and about 190-195 started getting a peppery, MUTE tasted. It made me sneeze and it was similar to an OCS strain from DNA we had ... but just mostly peppery (no lemon etc). Luckily we let it sit for about a minute till it really heated up and got a nice bubblegum/fruity but NOT sweet taste. I’ve seen this in a lot of CBD dominant OCS strains so it was nice to see it in a non-CBD one too. Very consistent, in in-your-face berry bubblegum flavor. matches the name quite well.
Burning it was pretty smooth, but very light on the lungs and very nice thick white smoke. It left a white / light grey ash. The taste was pretty good (but hard to tell when burning it) and after finishing it didn’t make me feel like I even smoked so overall pretty clean feeling.
The effects I would say are NOT purely indica, it’s def down 50/50 or even sativa-leaning. Big head buzz (visual, hearing) some relaxing, but heart pumping and def creative, energetic dizzy etc. Part of it may be due to the high THC which maybe makes it feel like more sativa, but I’m not couch locked and I’m not super relaxed. Strong tho!
Would rate it 4.5/5 just because it wasn’t very Indica-ish but had the nice fruity flavor, smooth burning and strong effects.
**\[Weed-Deals\] Purple Punch 2.0 Symbiotic Genetics Indica Review | 4.5/5 |** [Original Review](https://www.safebud.wiki/review/211/purple-punch-20-indica-...i-was-interested-in-this-strain-mostly-because-it-being-from-a-new-brand-symb)
I was interested in this strain mostly because it being from a new brand symbolic genetics which I haven’t tried before. Also I was always a fan of sweet/tropical strains and this one sounded like it might be.
The smell, even as a whole bud, was a very strong acidic/lemony smell. It smelled a bit berry-ish but mostly lemony fresh kind of smell. Pretty unique and pretty strong (almost burned the nostrils) :D
The shape of the bud was a pretty messy/leafy look, which is a nice change from the solid tip-of-the-nug buds we’ve seen lately, and maintained a good ratio of red hairs to light, crusted nugs. Overall despite it being so leafy, it was very dense and had a nice dominant stem (didn’t weigh much but was delicious :D ). Overall not super pretty but def a large amount of crystals.
Grinding it up was about the same, but almost no berry/fruity-ness and all lemon, acidic, really strong smell. It was pretty sticky to itself (not on fingers) but could feel the crystals between our fingers. Despite no THC listed, I would wager it was pretty high %.
Vaping it was the usual flower/perfume at lower temperatures, and about 190-195 started getting a peppery, MUTE tasted. It made me sneeze and it was similar to an OCS strain from DNA we had ... but just mostly peppery (no lemon etc). Luckily we let it sit for about a minute till it really heated up and got a nice bubblegum/fruity but NOT sweet taste. I’ve seen this in a lot of CBD dominant OCS strains so it was nice to see it in a non-CBD one too. Very consistent, in in-your-face berry bubblegum flavor. matches the name quite well.
Burning it was pretty smooth, but very light on the lungs and very nice thick white smoke. It left a white / light grey ash. The taste was pretty good (but hard to tell when burning it) and after finishing it didn’t make me feel like I even smoked so overall pretty clean feeling.
The effects I would say are NOT purely indica, it’s def down 50/50 or even sativa-leaning. Big head buzz (visual, hearing) some relaxing, but heart pumping and def creative, energetic dizzy etc. Part of it may be due to the high THC which maybe makes it feel like more sativa, but I’m not couch locked and I’m not super relaxed. Strong tho!
Would rate it 4.5/5 just because it wasn’t very Indica-ish but had the nice fruity flavor, smooth burning and strong effects.